Monday, August 31, 2009


The Role of Kings and Warriors
Choncobhar is not necessarily a good king... In fact most would argue that a king who abandons his men in the midst of a battle would qualify as a rather terrible king. But to further understand why he his such a terrible king, analyze what characteristic constitute a good king.
  1. A strong leader
  2. An outspoken man
  3. A good listener
  4. A Fair and Just human being
  5. A firm and unyielding decision maker
  6. (in the words of jake) a total badass
Choncubar fails to be a strong leader- by abandoning his troops they are left bereft of a central figure, not a good position to be in during a battle. He is extremely selfish and vain as seen by his willingness to display his figure. I am almost supprised he did not commit suicide when he saw his disfigured self. The only reason he manages to hold the throne is because of the gifts he gives to his people. He truly is a terrible king.

The role of warriors is also important throughout the story, warriors are ideally very loyal, very strong, very determined, very courageous, and also very bad-ass. The warriors of both Connought and Ulster embody these traits. They fight fearlessly. Cet even steals away the brain-ball of his deceased companion from his enemy, a testament to his loyalty. This is ironic because with such a terrible king, one might expect some sort of dissent among his warriors and citizens. Instead they are insanely loyal, which perhaps shows another trait of the warrior little intelligence.


Welcome to the Church of Skagway
Skagway City School is in a deplorable state. Student enrollment is dropping as fast as government funding. These two figures are linked symbiotically for as enrollment declines funding plummets the low funding in turn leads to dilapidated facilities and second rate educators which discourage new students and scare current pupils into nearby Haines or Juneau. This devastating negative flow of students must be stemmed so as to create an environment in which quality education is given. Furthermore an increase in student population would boost the athletic clubs of Skagway school brining pride and honor to the community. Surely the one who could bring such glory to the city would be worthy of praise.
Every Sunday millions of believers flock to the nearest or most well funded altar, temple or church to proclaim their faith to the heavens. In Skagway especially there is an especially large population of those of the Mormon faith. When this faith is analyzed more closely a few traits make them prime candidate for the plan which I will outline. The Mormon faith is one of the youngest and as any Christian will tell you any religion under 1000 years old is merit-less. The willingness to adopt a new religion on haphazard events is a vital aspect of the Mormons involvement in the plan. Any group of people which believe in following a series of dreams from God delivered by a savior is one well deserving to be abused. More important than this is the Mormons never ending search for the holy city “Zion” and the loss of their magical glasses- without which they cannot read their magical shiny dining utensils.
Relief to this religious mid-life crisis will be provided in Skagway. A people so eager to adopt a new religion and one so exhausted with the search for Zion will be more than eager to adopt a new more easy-going faith; A faith which demands only the belief in a higher power, and belief in the holy text. (And perhaps a year of their life spent converting others to the faith) But the family sense provided will more than outweigh these costs.
Although the sense of accomplishment associated with establishing a new religion will primarily draw in Mormons, I expect previous Catholics, Christians, Scientologists and even Jews to have a presence in the faith. Catholicism’s disintegrating under scandals, and the followers of Christianity are slowly accepting the bible as literature and Jesus as a salesman. Slowly all the religions are seeing how flawed theirs is and looking for answers. This era of religious rifting is exactly the right time for a renaissance of religion.
After the religion has been established with its headquarters in Skagway, the city will soon follow in the steps of Salt Lake City, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem. New life will thrive in the valley. The laws of the religion will be shaped so that premarital sex and multiple wives are encouraged while contraceptives are virtually eliminated. In an era of religious revival these steps are virtually unnecessary as emotions (and hormones) will rage. It is a well known fact that after a congregation s one of the most common times for passionate and unprotected sex (see grapes of wrath), It is no coincidence that the most common time of year for birth is 9 months after the religious holiday of lent.
Undeniably these new religious folk will help boost Skagway young population and stop the faltering numbers in school. The beauty of the plan lies in the fact that even if the religion crumbles, as it might, the population will already be boosted enough to stop the endless cycle of declining students. With the boost of new bodies, the school will receive new funding, which will allow higher wages for teachers, two part desks and ipso facto higher test scores.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Apostrophe- Adress to a person who is not currently present.
Busy old fool, unruly sun,
Why dost thou thus,
Through windows, and through curtains call on us?

Caesura- A term used to denote an audible pause in both poetry or prose
Know then thyself II, presume not God to scan;
The proper study of Mankind II is Man.
Plac'd on this isthmus of a middle state,
A being darkly wise, and rudely great:

Cosmic _____ -
Imagery- words that help to paint a picture in your head
Allusion- A reference to a piece of history or previous work of literature
Satire- The use of wit (especially sarcasm, irony, and ridicule) to promote change
Dramatic Monologue- a piece of spoken word that offers insight into the character
Allegory- a story of two meanings a literal meaning and an extended metaphor
Aside- an actors speech directed at the audience not heard by other characters
Denotation- The exact meaning of a word rather than the feelings associated with the word.
Assonance- repetition of stressed vowel sounds
Hyperbole- Obvious and intentional exaggeration and overstatement